H&H and Connect Psych Services #LetsChat
Wednesday 4th August, 2021 @ 11am

As part of the H and H mind pillar support, we are inviting you to check in, reflect and share as we emerge from another challenging time. In our first “lets chat” interactive from Connect Psych you may find and explore techniques to support you in self, home and work. Please register with your details below:

*Please note this is used only for Connect Psych administration and not to identify you with your employer.
*This question is asked for non-identifiable, aggregated data purposes only
*This question is asked for non-identifiable, aggregated data purposes only
*This question is asked for non-identifiable, aggregated data purposes only

If you have intentions of harming yourself, harming others or you are in danger, please call 000 or lifeline on 13 11 14 straight away,