Simple Steps to Build our Everyday Wellbeing

The word wellbeing seems to be on the tip of everyone’s tongue recently, but what’s it all about? Simply put, wellbeing is the feeling of being comfortable, healthy, and happy in your own skin. Each individual attaches importance to different aspects of life which create that ‘motivational drive’ to maintain what they believe is most important. Your sense of wellbeing isn’t always connected to money or status rather how you have set up your value systems.

The following tips can be easily integrated into everyday practices. Most importantly, choose what resonates with you and your lifestyle and you will find success –


Creating a list of what is in your control and what is out of your control makes it easier to accept the current situation. Use positive language and self-talk which will elicit positive emotions; in turn creating positive behaviour. Tell yourself you are forgiven and allow you to move on. Your greatest power is your perspective.

Positive Self-Talk.

Research supports the notion that positive self-talk leads to success, reduction in stress, higher confidence, and an overall happier life. Start taking note of your self-talk. Is it more self-deprecating? If you constantly say “I cannot”, you can easily convince yourself that this is true. Challenge each thought pattern and replace with a positive statement. Write down those statements and stick them in conspicuous places to help maintain that mindset.
Don’t forget to remind yourself to–
· Acknowledge your accomplishments, no matter how small
· Never compare yourself to other people
· Tell yourself you are forgiven and allow you to move on
· Give yourself grace when things get tough
· Avoid those toxic people in your life who get you down and create negative thinking
. Be realistic about what you can accomplish during the day
(and gather this evidence of your successes each day in a journal before bed can be super helpful!).

Develop Routines That Reduce Decisions.

The average adult makes around 35,000 decisions each day. Time and time again, studies of high-performing individuals show that much of their success relates to successful routines. Not only do routines help create consistency for you and your family, but they can also reduce the total number of decisions that have to be made throughout the day. Design a morning routine that includes a balance of self-care activities like meditation, exercise, yoga, or spiritual practices and personal care activities like eating breakfast and preparing for the day. Design a bedtime routine that helps you wind down from the day, shutting off technology and preparing for the upcoming day.

Make tougher decisions early in the day and quit while you’re ahead – individuals tend to make better choices for themselves and others earlier in the day. If you’re evaluating a difficult decision or making a significant lifestyle choice, dedicate the time right after you wake up in the morning or early in the day. The closer we get to the end of the day, the closer we get to our threshold of the capacity to make good choices. Avoid making critical decisions and life choices late at night, or when you know you’re tired.

Evaluate shopping and meal preparation to reduce decisions– Consider one to two trips to a supermarket for your weekly grocery shopping. Further, every Sunday, get the whole family involved in choosing the weekly dinner menu which you can place for everyone to see.

Break it down – Especially for those juggling parenting, the Pomodoro Technique is making a comeback. The technique encourages employees to work with the time they have-rather than against it. Using this method, you break your workday into 25-minute chunks separated by fine minute breaks. Obviously, this will not work when in online meetings however is a great technique to use for those days where document content needs to be written. Take a longer break of about 15 to 20 minutes.

Switch Off.

It’s important to protect your boundaries and clock off at a reasonable time. Make a to do list for the next day’s work, attach it to your office ‘desk’ and walk away to relax and recharge those batteries. After work hours, enjoy other areas of your home: watching a good movie, reading a book, or cooking a fun meal.

Actively Manage Your Wellbeing.

By maintaining routines where possible, staying physically active (at least 30 min per day), eating nutritious foods high in protein, vitamin B, C and E and seeking additional online positive psychology and relaxation techniques such as mindfulness meditation. Headspace or Smiling Mind are great tools to investigate for ‘taking time out and being present’ moments.

‘I like to move it move it’. 

Exercise is a must to release those feel-good chemicals in the brain and increase problem solving. There are many online classes such as yoga, HIIT, spin or strength-based training. Not only does exercise keep blood, glucose, and oxygen levels high, feeding the brain, it releases endorphins into the body giving your mood a boost and increase your motivation and self-confidence.

Feelings of wellbeing are fundamental to the overall health, enabling you to successfully overcome difficulties and achieve what you want out of life. Sometimes we need a little ‘fore-front thinking’ about how to do this.