Taking control of 2022

Quick tips from dr Natalie Flatt Ph.D, co-founder of Connect Psych Services


Let’s begin our 2022 about us. It’s no lie we need to recuperate and what better way than looking at ourselves from a different, more positive angle.  Here are seven tips for a more motivated and productive YOU in 2022. You don’t need to do them all at once but why not try one and start there?

  1. Mindset

Research supports the notion that positive self-talk leads to success and productivity, reduction in stress, higher confidence, and happier life. If you constantly say ‘I cannot’ you easily convince yourself this is true. Replace with a positive statement or rephrase the sentence using the word “I choose to”

  1. Reflect

What do you need to change that will make a big difference? Where have your energies been wasted in 2021? Toxic friends? Too much social media? How can you alter some behaviours? Start small!

  1. Starting

Could you start the day with a walk, swim, yoga, or stretch? Doing this one activity can make you feel like you’ve already accomplished a task and will place you in a solid mindset for the day. You can even start the day by making your bed!

  1. Declutter

Create a folder for 2021 emails. Get rid of old phone apps, change the background picture, delete old caches. It’s amazing how decluttering the computer helps declutter the psyche and provides productive mind space for 2022.

  1. Self-care

Apart from physical and mental boundaries to maintain good self-care such as getting a good night’s sleep and re-setting your nutrition ( come and talk to our amazing nutritionist about this!), it’s so important that we be mindful about how we talk to ourselves. Positive self-talk is vital. What would you say to your best friend if they were having a bad day?

  1. Completion bias

Create a checklist, even for small tasks. It gives our brains a good dose of dopamine whenever we cross off items and can feel like the day is not wasted; especially for those slower days.

  1. Focus on what is in your control

Draw a circle and write inside what is in my control and outside what is out of my control. Now list daily situations that arise. Where should they be listed? Inside or outside of the circle? Now reflect on your list and ask yourself – “where is the majority of my energy being directed?’ Often you may find it is directed to things that are out of your control.  By creating a mantra of “I’m giving all my energy to which I can control’ will assist you in becoming mindful and provide a better, more optimistic you!

7. Bring back the FUN

Take a leaf out of a child’s book. How do they perceive the world? How do they make fun out of the simplest things? And how might you incorporate this into your week? Is it watching a funny movie you watched years ago? Is it making a birthday cake and sharing it with your neighbour ‘just because?’ Is it going to a park and seeing how high you can go on a swing? The possibilities are endless and can plant a huge smile on your face!