What is Imposter Syndrome and how can you combat it?

Dr Natalie Flatt Ph.D Co-Founder Connect Psych Services “I’m not good enough for this role”, “Why would people pay for my advice?”, “Luck was on my side with that presentation/project today”, “They are going to figure out I don’t know enough” …   Does this sound familiar? Most of us have experienced feelings of doubt … Read more

The Psychological Experience of Adapting to Change

The Psychological Experience of Adapting to Change Dr Natalie Flatt Ph.D Co-Founder of Connect Psych Services Change, in general, can be challenging; especially in times when it comes suddenly and unexpectedly. Yes, we have experienced so many spectrums of emotions during this pandemic however, let’s not forget the usual lifespan events we all go through … Read more

Taking control of 2022

Quick tips from dr Natalie Flatt Ph.D, co-founder of Connect Psych Services   Let’s begin our 2022 about us. It’s no lie we need to recuperate and what better way than looking at ourselves from a different, more positive angle.  Here are seven tips for a more motivated and productive YOU in 2022. You don’t … Read more

Languishing – The 2021 Dominant Emotion.

By Dr Natalie Flatt Ph.D As the COVID-19 pandemic and the aftermath grumbles on, the pre-covid “normal” lives are feeling like a distant memory. With the constant change of rules and restrictions from, our future is out of balance and many people remain stuck; living in limbo while we hold our breathe that the vaccine … Read more

Unhelpful Thinking Styles and How to Combat Them. New research shows our brain generates over 6000 thousand thoughts each day. When a person experiences an unhelpful emotion (e.g. depression, anxiety and even general feelings of overwhelm), it is usually preceded by a number of unhelpful self-statements and thoughts. Often there is a pattern to such thoughts … Read more

Ahhhh Sleep….zzzzzzz

Ahhhh Sleep…. If you are currently experiencing sleepless nights, you are not alone. In the wake of the Coronavirus lockdowns over Australia we find ourselves in an unprecedented situation, so it is understandable that many individuals will be feeling more worried or anxious than usual. Increased distress can significantly impact sleep; in turn affecting personal … Read more

Bringing more calm, contentment and clarity in our every day.

  Dr Natalie Flatt Ph.D. Founder of Connect Psych Services. BSc.,Post.Grad.Dip.Psych.,M.Psych We’ve all had those days; no one is immune to it. Life events occur when we least expect them; some can be positive; some can be negative. It’s how we process TODAY that impacts on how to process TOMORROW. Bringing a little peace and … Read more